The Breton Party welcomes the vote in the European Parliament of a Resolution supporting immersion t

Communiqué de presse publié le 25/03/09 12:52 dans Politique par Gérard Olliéric pour Gérard Olliéric

Yesterday, The European Parliament approved, following the initiative of MEPs from the Basque Country and Catalonia, a report defending the development of bilingualism in the areas where several languages are used. This concerns Brittany too.

This report may have only few juridical consequences, it is above all a great symbol. He was adopted as a reaction to another proposition from the European Popular Party, following the Spanish PP, opposed to immersion teaching as it is used in Catalonia, recognized as a model for all Europe. The Breton Party welcomes the defeat of the supporters of the old nation-states, and the fact that the European Parliament explained multilingualism as one of its objectives.

These debates confirm our analisis and the need to send deputies supporting multilingualism to the European Parliament. In this perspective, the Breton Party shall be present on the 7th of June for the European Elections.

For the Breton Party Emile Granville Spokesman Deputy-mayor of Redon

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