Resolutions Passed at 2013 AGM

Communiqué de presse publié le 29/10/13 18:10 dans Europe par pour


Resolutions Passed at 2013 AGM

At this years Celtic League annual general meeting (AGM) four resolutions were passed, one of which was passed as an emergency resolution.

It was decided at the 2012 AGM that Standing Orders would be strictly upheld at AGMs, with particular regard to the timely submission of resolutions. Setting Standing Orders aside to be kept for exceptional circumstances/motions and not used for resolutions to be put on agenda en bloc. (See for further information about past resolutions). As a result of this decision, at this years' AGM the Convenor did not allow any further resolutions to be put forward except the three that were submitted within the time limit from Éire (Ireland) and Kernow (Cornwall) and an emergency motion presented at the last minute from Alba (Scotland).

The follow-up of resolutions are initially the responsibility of the Proposer, who will then instruct the General Secretary to action the resolution.

The four resolutions passed at the 2013 AGM were as follows:


Go éilíonn an Cruinniú Chinn Bliana seo bord eagarthóireachta a bhunú, chun cuidiú leis an eagarthóir i rith an aimsir idirthréimhseach go E-Carn.

That this AGM calls for an editorial board to be set up, during the transitional period to eCarn, to assist the editor.

Molta ag Pádraig Ó Snodaigh
Cuidithe ag Caoimhín Ó Cadhla

Diúltaíonn an Cruinniú Chinn Bliana seo, iarrachtaí á dhéanamh ag seoiníní chun leithscéal a thabhairt do na hainghníomh a rinne na Fórsaí Slándála Briotanach i rith ?Cogadh na Dúchrónach?.

Ar an mbealach céanna diúltaíonn an Cruinniú Chinn Bliana seo iarrachtaí eile chun baill de fórsaí forghabháilithe sceibhlitheoireachta na Breataine a léiriú mar throdairí ar chomhchéim moráltachta le baill d?Óglaigh na hÉireann.

This AGM opposes attempts by pro-Imperial elements in Ireland to sanatise attrocities committed by British Security Forces during the ?Black and Tan War?.
In similar vein, this AGM also opposes efforts at portraying members of the occupying British terrorist forces as combatants of equal moral footing to the volunteers of the IRA.

Molta ag Kerron Ó Luain
Cuidithe ag Pat Bridson


An Cuntelles Kemyn Bledhennek-ma a dhaslever y gry war an Governans Brettannek rag an Cuntelles An Clos Ewropek Rag An Defens A Lyharyvow Kenedhlek, bos gorrys dhe dus a Gernow.

This AGM:?Reiterates its call on the British Government for the European Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities to be applied to the Cornish people.
Alba (Emergency Motion):

This AGM congratulates Alex Salmond, John Ramsay Swinney and the other senior members of the SNP for their key role in settling the dispute at the Grangemouth refinery and petro-chemical plant. We also call for national assets of this type and importance to be taken into public ownership.


For comment or clarification on this news item in the first instance contact:

Rhisiart Tal-e-bot?General Secretary, Celtic League

M: 07787318666

The General Secretary will determine the appropriate branch or General Council Officer to respond to your query.


The Celtic League has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It works to promote cooperation between these countries and campaigns on a broad range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, monitors all military activity and focuses on socio-economic issues.

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