Medium Education in Welsh language retards pupils, says English expert

Communiqué de presse publié le 29/12/08 13:08 dans Europe par Gwyn Griffiths pour Gwyn Griffiths

Welsh people have been shocked by an English « expert » who has claimed that Welsh language education causes retardation in children. His “expert” advice was heard in a family court where there are strict rules of secrecy (1) and involved custody of an eleven-year-old boy. The consequences for the mother are devastating.

The advice of the “expert” has been attacked by many people, including Wales's First Minister Rhodri Morgan. But since the Welsh court system has not been devolved, the Welsh authorities are unable to challenge the opinions of the “expert”.

Plaid Cymru Assembly Member, Nerys Evans, who has been taking up the case on behalf of the boy's mother, says that all the research of which she is aware shows bilingualism is a positive influence on a child's understanding.

« This shows how power over family courts needs to be devolved to Wales » she added.

The mother is to complain about the “expert” to the British Psychological Society.

(1) It is a vague story because it is not possible to report on family courts and we are not allowed to identify the family - or the «expert» either.

Gwynn Griffiths

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