Rapport publié le 26/05/08 6:15 dans Environnement par Cathal Ó Luain pour Cathal Ó Luain
A poster advertising just one of the many protests that have been organised.

The Celtic League have been maintaining their opposition to the cultural vandalism being wrought in the Tara Skren Valley. Latest exchanges of correspondence between the General Secretary and Environment Minister John Gormley set out below:

«John Gormey Environment, Heritage and Local Government

28th April 2008

A Chara

Thank you for your letter in relation to the routing of the M3.

For the record my Party consistently opposed the routing of the M3 through the Tara Skren Valley. An Bord Pleanala's decision in relation to the road was taken in 2003 and directions were subsequently issued by my predecessor, Mr Dick Roche, TD, the then Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government. I have received both advice from the Attorney General and independent legal advice stating very clearly that I cannot overturn the directions given by my predecessor. I do believe, however, that there are a number of things that can be done to mitigate the effects of the road proposal.

1) I have top ensure that the archaeological sites are excavated to the highest international standard. When taking office, I ensured that people who were opposed to this road proposal were part of a committee to oversee the excavation of Lismullen. The Committee unanimously came to the view that the site could not be preserved in situ.

2) I also announced at this time that there would be a full archaeological review with the intention of strengthening our laws for the protection of our archaeological heritage. The review began recently and I hope to conclude it before the summer.

3) I also announced my intention to ensure that there would be a landscape conservation for this area to ensure that there would be no unnecessary development.

4) I have also placed a permanent preservation order on Rath Luagh. In addition to this, I commissioned an independent engineers report in order to safeguard the Rath Luagh site, which has been presented to the National Roads Authority.

I have been informed that there are further road proposals which offer a greater threat to our archaeological heritage than those posed by the M3. It is my intention to ensure that archaeological heritage is properly protected. If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me at this address.

Mise le meas

John Gormey, TD Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government»

«Minister Gormley Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Custom House, Dublin 1.



RE: REP2212/DR/07

Dear Minister John Gormley

M3 Motorway and UNESCO status

The Celtic League was encouraged to hear your comments recently that you didn't believe that the planned M3 motorway would prevent the Hill of Tara from being nominated as a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) world heritage site. However, as you will be aware, if UNESCO status of the Hill of Tara site is granted UNESCO standards of preservation in those areas must be applied.

We would appreciate it therefore if you could explain to us what initiatives your Department will undertake to ensure the preservation of the Gabhra Valley between the Hill of Tara and the Hill of Skryne, if the M3 is to be built along the planned route.

Further to this, the League is still awaiting a reply to our last letter to you in July 2007 (reference from previous correspondence quoted above), especially our request for a copy of your Department's reply to the European Commission, who you met with earlier in 2007, regarding the construction of the planned motorway. I have also attached this previous correspondence in case it has been mislaid.

Many thanks in advance.

Yours sincerely

Rhisiart Tal-e-bot General Secretary Celtic League»

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J B Moffatt Director of Information Celtic League


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