Our focus on Sophia Morrison last year and the recent wreath laying as part of Mec Vannin?s commemorations of significant figures in Manx political and cultural life encouraged Cristl Jerry of Mec Vannin to undertake some research on the collectors of Manx folk life material (links):
One of the less well known is Cressy Dodd (pictured) Cristl has suggested a future topic for the ?significant figures? series of talks and commemorations would be the work of these collectors. Cressy Dodd worked with Sophia Morrison although she is less well known.
Of course the work of collectors was not confined to the turn of the Century a group of people worked in the 1940s/50s recording the native speakers and even more recently Dr George Broderick carried out exhaustive interviews as part of the Manx place names survey.
However many of the figures from the more distant past (like Cressy Dodd) are forgotten or disregarded.
Although I did find this articles on her compiled by Valerie Caine on the North American Manx Association blog (link):
It is to be hoped that proper recognition will in coming years before afforded to Cressy Dodd and others!
Photograph: Cressy Dodd ? source Stephen Miller
Issued by: The Celtic News
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