A Breton in Silesia

Dépêche publié le 6/10/08 14:47 dans Politique par Kevin Jezequel pour Kevin Jezequel
Gwenole Ar Gov and Hester Knol (prezidantez YEN).

Do you know Silesia? It is a region that encompasses areas of Germany, Czech Republic and the South-West of Poland. The Silesians are the largest minority in Poland. The identity and culture of the region is shared between the Silesians and the Germans. Between the 23rd and the 28th of September 2008 was held in Turawa, near Opole, a seminar co-organised by YEN (Youth of European Nationalities) and Der Jugend der Deutschen Minderheit in Polen (the young Germans of Poland). YEN is a European organisation that federates cultural associations and political parties of young people from European minorities. It currently has about 30 members. The aim of this organisation is to unite all the young people to live and share their culture. Its objective is to show, through many events that take place in these countries, that minorities are no threat for Europe, but rather a clear enrichment.

Gwenole Ar Gov, member of the Young Bretons, went there to represent Brittany. The Young Bretons, the youth organisation of the Breton Party, are sensitive to the European and cultural dimension. This is why they wish to be more active in these European events. The seminar was the opportunity to participate in an event full of exchanges. The objective of these days was to think about the development of the association and to share our cultures. We also expressed our will to safeguard our languages on the occasion of the European Day for Languages (on the 26th September 2008). During this day, the participants gathered in the centre of Opole held their flags and banners of their associations. A theatre play on the theme of the border was shown before the City Hall. The media were there and we all, for instance, said «welcome» in our own language. It was another opportunity to affirm the cultural richness and diversity of Europe. During the seminar, YEN's membership to the Youth European Forum was discussed. It is a platform made of 96 national councils of youth and youth NGOs all over Europe. The YFJ strives to reinforce the power of action of the young people so that they participate actively in society, and improve their living conditions by representing their interests towards the European institutions, the Council of Europe, the United Nations and other partners active for young people. The next seminar will take place in Bratislava, Slovakia, between the 4th and 10th of April 2009. If you are interested by these exchanges, do not hesitate to contact us.

Gwenole Ar Gov

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