il ya eu une erreur, désolé, travaux en cours /9012.

publié le 1/01/70 1:00 dans par pour

The Celtic League has frequently given its support to suppressed groups and repressed peoples throughout Europe and the wider world, who have found themselves in situations that many people in the Celtic countries can identify with.

Last weekend, the Celtic League's General Secretary Rhisiart Tal-e-bot, took part in a rally in the Basque city of Iruña/Pamplona, Naforroa/Navarra, to show his support for demonstrators calling for greater democracy.

The protest followed the conviction of 46 Basque nationalists last week. The defendants were accused of being members of left wing political and social youth organisations that are alleged to have links with the Basque separatist organisation, ETA although there was no substantial evidence of any such links.

Speaking from Iruña/Pamplona, Rhisiart Tal-e-bot said:

"There were approximately 1000 people, young and old, calling for greater democratic rights. The Spanish Government are not going to achieve peace in the Basque Country if they continue to ban political parties and organisations and arrest their members. In the north of Ireland, peace was possible because all interested parties were invited to take part in the discussion. The Spanish Government however seem intent on making the same mistakes that the Westminster Government made with the north of Ireland for so many years."

The Iruña/Pamplona rally pre emted another rally that took place in the Basque city of Bilbo/Bilbao at the weekend where thousands of protesters gathered under the slogan "For the rights of the Basque Country. Freedom for all the political options."

(Note: There are numerous related items on Celtic News. To access these just type 'basque' into the search box at the top of the CL News home page)

J B Moffatt Director of Information Celtic League


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