il ya eu une erreur, désolé, travaux en cours /7404.

publié le 1/01/70 1:00 dans par pour

There is extremely generous coverage of the current Manx Language situation in the latest issue of Cothrom the bilingual quarterly publication of Clì Gàidhlig.

A front cover illustration shows leading language proponent and Manx Government Minister, Phillip Gawne, this is the lead in for an article, with additional supplementary information, providing a general overview and also a separate feature on Bhunscoill Ghaelgagh.

Contributors include, Brian Stowell, former Manx language development officer and regular Manx language Carn contributor, Phillip Gawne MHK together with teachers Rob Teare, Anne Kissack, Paul Rogers and Julie Matthews.

The article is well illustrated with colour illustrations including the Bhunscoill at St. Johns.

Those interested can get a copy from Clì who have an internet site at:

J B Moffatt Director of Information Celtic League


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