il ya eu une erreur, désolé, travaux en cours /7380.

publié le 1/01/70 1:00 dans par pour

The Breton Party wishes to salute Tony Blair for its historic contribution to building the most advanced democratic country in Europe.

Outside other considerations on Tony Blair's legacy on foreign affairs and the war in Irak, Tony Blair certainly changed Britain for the better, and forever. From a centralistic old fashion political structure creating unrest and frustration, he delivered the greatest constitutional change in the UK for 300 years through devolution for Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, and achieved it without conflict or confusion.

His transformations brought peace in Northern Ireland as well as a stronger democratic process and stronger economic growth in all parts of the United Kingdom.

Whoever would pretend to build a modern democracy for the years to come should certainly look at Tony Blair's achievements. His democratic reforms transformed the United Kingdom into a modern and competitive country with a significant influence in the world.

For the Breton Party-Strollad Breizh in London,

Christian Guillemot, Head of the External Federation. (voir le site)

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