il ya eu une erreur, désolé, travaux en cours /7218.

publié le 1/01/70 1:00 dans par pour

The Isle of Man governments Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry are setting up an advisory body drawn from Manx seafood producers and retailers to assist the Department to finalise plans for the development of a new Manx seafood strategy.

The aim is to develop a distinctive Manx brand which is intended to project a unique national and international reputation for Manx seafood products.

Speaking when the plans were announced Agriculture Minister, Phillip Gawne MHK, said:

'All sectors of the Manx seafood industry - fishermen, processors and retailers, have a great deal to be proud of. Manx seafood has established an enviable reputation for its high quality throughout Europe. The Department would like to help the industry to capitalise on this, through the development of a quality assured Manx brand which will guarantee consumers and wholesalers that they are buying a top of the range food, from a sustainably managed fishery'.

Interestingly, and in an example of the practical economic value of links between the Celtic countries, the Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry are drawing on experience gained in Cornwall.

The moves follow on from presentations to the Manx industry from Nathan de Rosarieux, project Manager of Seafood Cornwall, and Crick Carleton, a fisheries consultant working closely with this and several other similar projects. The presentation focused on the benefits to fishermen, processors and consumers from a drive in Cornwall to improve the quality and sustainability of the fish and shellfish landed there, through the creation of an easily identifiable logo and quality assurance scheme, that stretches 'from the net to the plate'.

J B Moffatt Director of Information Celtic League


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