il ya eu une erreur, désolé, travaux en cours /6193.

publié le 1/01/70 1:00 dans par pour

The European parliament has ratified a damning report on secret CIA torture lights, condemning member states which colluded by allowing the flights through their airspace and granting other facilities to the US intelligence services who conducted the flights.

The UK, Germany and Italy were among 14 states which allowed the US to forcibly remove terror suspects, the report said.

The EU parliament voted to accept a resolution condemning member states which accepted or ignored the practice. The CIA were reported to have conducted 1,245 flights, some taking suspects to states where they could face torture.

From 2004 until 2006 the Celtic League pressed governments and police forces in Ireland and the United Kingdom over the so called rendition flights.

Despite repeated complaints to both the Garda Siochana and Strathclyde police we met nothing but evasion. It is now clear that while the British and Irish government failed to act individuals were transported via Shannon and Prestwick to be tortured and murdered. Both governments and police services are justifiably condemned for their decision to look the other way as crimes were committed in their area of responsibility.

The EU report was adopted by a large majority, with 382 MEPs voting in favour, 256 against and 74 abstaining. The decision of a wide range of NGOs (including the Celtic league) and individual politicians to campaign on the issue has proved justified.

J B Moffatt Director of Information Celtic League


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