The Breton national anthem is now official

Annonce publié le 26/11/21 14:39 dans Politique par Florent Grouin pour BREZHOWEB
The Breton national anthem, sang live by Aziliz Manrow and Gilles Servat
Bro Gozh ma Zadoù (the official Breton national anthem + lyrics) Aziliz Manrow & Gilles Servat (18299 vues)

The Breton national anthem, the “Bro Gozh ma Zadoù” (the old land of my fathers), is now official. The anthem was made official by the Breton Regional Council in of November 2021.

The lyrics have not changed since the creation of the hymn at the end of the 19th century, but the tone will now change.

The official Breton national anthem sang live by Aziliz Manrow and Gilles Servat on stage during the team presentation at the 2021 Tour de France in Brest.

Lyrics of the anthem are available via the video’s subtitles in English, Breton and French.

Vos commentaires :
Dimanche 28 avril 2024
Il y a quand même l'orchestre national de Bretagne, le chœur de l'académie d'art vocal à l'Eden Palace de Pontivy, l'arrangement du tout écrit par Frédérique Lory! Cela devrait apparaître ?

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