Housing crisis in Brittany: Second homes in question

Annonce publié le 24/11/21 11:31 dans Interceltisme par Florent Grouin pour BREZHOWEB
Housing crisis in Brittany: Second homes in question
Housing crisis in Brittany: Second homes in question. (2573 vues)

More and more people are buying a house in Brittany, sometimes for just a few days holiday in the year. There are now 13% of second homes on average in Brittany, but this percentage is much higher on the coast.

Is this a good thing, as we often hear? What are the consequences for the Bretons? The Breton language magazine 13 munud e Breizh investigates!

A video magazine in Breton with English subtitles, produced by Brezhoweb, the only TV channel 100% in Breton

The Breton language television channel Brezhoweb also offers a playlist of programs in Breton language with English subtitles

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