Tourism in Brittany after the Coronavirus - 4 munud e Breizh

Annonce publié le 2/10/20 9:15 dans Langues de Bretagne par Florent Grouin pour BREZHOWEB
Tourism in Brittany after the Coronavirus - 4 munud e Breizh (948 vues)

Tourism is an important sector of activity in Brittany accounting for more than 8% of the GDP. What consequences has the epidemic and the virus had for tourism professionals and how do they live their summer? This is what we will see in 4 munud e Breizh

4 munud e Breizh is a programme of Brezhoweb, the television channel 100% in Breton, presented by Dewi Sibéril.

This video of "4 munud e Breizh" is in Breton (subtitled in Breton, English and French).

To see on Brezhoweb

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