Wales: Chernobyl Disaster Remembered

Communique de presse publié le 29/06/19 10:34 dans Europe par pour Celtic League

The North Wales edition of the Daily Post has a feature on the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in 1986 which of course cause widespread pollution across Europe and into Western areas of Britain, The Isle of Man and Ireland.

Many of the restrictions on uplands mentioned in this feature were also in place for many years in the Isle of Man. The article reveals that alarms were triggered at the Wylfa nuclear plant on Anglesey but what was first thought to be an internal problem turned out to be the Chernobyl related fallout plume descending on the British Isles.

There is a fresh focus on the catastrophe because of the current TV drama based on the events. It has also refocused attention on the dangers of ‘new build’ nuclear power plants.

The Celtic affirmed its opposition to so called ‘nuclear new build’ at its AGM at Landerneau Brittany in 2006. We have since campaigned against proposals for new plants at Wylfa, Anglesey and at the Windscale/Sellafield site.

News link:…/chernobyl-disaster-how-north-…

Bernard Moffatt

Celtic League

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