Time to start talking about Welsh independence

Communique de presse publié le 16/03/17 16:10 dans Europe par pour Celtic League

News from Welsh Branch of the Celtic League:

“Wood?s call for a conversation about Welsh nationhood is both necessary and timely. The fact is there is simply no national public discourse in Wales. Yes, we talk about language, history and culture, but we have yet to hold the existential conversation we need about our relationship to the rest of Britain, or what our political priorities are as a self-contained nation. Indeed, most Welsh people don?t even know which issues are uniquely relevant to their own country.”

It?s time for Wales to start talking about independence | Ellie Mae O?Hagan

In my heart, I long for Wales to leave the UK. While the economics doesn?t add up, we urgently need to follow Scotland in discussing our future as a nation



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