Conradh na Gaeilge win High Court challenge

Communique de presse publié le 4/03/17 0:10 dans Europe par pour Celtic League

?The Stormont Executive has failed in its legal duty to adopt an Irish language strategy, a High Court judge ruled on Friday.

Mr Justice Maguire held the administration to be in breach of a requirement imposed under decade-old legislation.

The challenge was mounted by Irish language group Conradh na Gaeilge.

The body issued judicial review proceedings over a failure to comply with a St Andrews Agreement pledge.

Mr Justice Maguire said: “It cannot have been the intention of Parliament that, after nearly 10 years from the coming into force of the Act in 2007, this obligation would remain unfulfilled.”

Full story at this link:

(voir le site)


pp Celtic League.



‘Executive failed’ over Irish language strategy, court rules – BBC News

The Stormont Executive has failed in its legal duty to adopt an Irish language?




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