Ireland: Rent reform hits the buffers!

Communique de presse publié le 17/12/16 0:10 dans Europe par pour Celtic League

Now underestimate the power of small interest groups that saying is true for Mann and for other Celtic countries as well.

We reported earlier this week on attempts to introduce rent private sector reform n Ireland (link):

(voir le site)

However according to today?s Irish Examiner the item has been pulled from the Dail agenda.

Minister Simon Coveney says he is still hopeful that he can get the reforms through before Xmas (link):

(voir le site)

However it?s another example of how small sectional vested interest groups working behind the scenes that have more influence than they should and hold the rest of the population to ransom.

Its true in Ireland and it?s the same in the Isle of Man


Public Relations Officer Mannin Branch

Issued by: The Mannin branch of the Celtic League.



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