Killers for the British State

Communique de presse publié le 6/12/16 16:10 dans Europe par pour Celtic League

Extra judicial killings or the operation of murder gangs is something that happened in far away countries with tyrannical regimes?well not quite it happened just a few miles from our shores 30/40 years ago and at a time when a military base in Mann was used to support those operations.

Police in the North of Ireland recently exhumed the body of Daniel Rooney believed to have been killed in the early 1970s in N. Ireland by the British Army undercover military reaction force (MRF).

The issue of the MRF and other dirty dealings by the State all those years ago was highlighted by a very well researched BBC TV Panorama programme (link):

(voir le site)

The activities of the MRF had a rumour a number of years. Long suspected the operations were confirmed following what?s now called the Flagstaff Hill incident when British Special Forces crossed the border and were apprehended by the Irish Police and Army (link):

(voir le site)

A diplomatic disaster at the time both governments contrived to bury the incident and it would be another four decades and a BBC Panorama programme before the dirty deeds of the MRF are once again in the spotlight.

Will the State killers of Daniel Rooney be finally brought to book?don?t hold your breath!

Image: Members of an MRF Killer gang pose for the camera as uniformed British troops look on.


Public Relations Officer Mannin Branch

Issued by: The Mannin branch of the Celtic League.



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