Mandela: anniversary of death of iconic figure ? a beacon of our age

Communique de presse publié le 1/12/16 0:10 dans Europe par pour Celtic League

Later this week (on the weekend) will see the funeral of one of the great figures of the twentieth century Fidel Castro and ironically his funeral will take place just hours before the third anniversary of the death of the true giant of National Liberation of our age Nelson Mandela who died on December 5th 2013.

Mandela greatness was compounded by a humility and sincerity in dealing with all but in particular in reaching out to those who had been the oppressors for so long of his countrymen.

The way that he managed to transition from the darkness of apartheid to fully representative democracy in South Africa was a model in conflict resolution since drawn on elsewhere. The success of this was all the more remarkable given the number of unexplained deaths in police custody during the apartheid years (links):

(voir le site)

He also was a great friend of Fidel Castro and the Cuba people and recognised the very practical role that Cuba played in ending the racist colonial regimes in Africa.

?As long as poverty, injustice and gross inequality persist in our world, none of us can truly rest?: Nelson Mandela


Public Relations Officer Mannin Branch

Issued by: The Mannin branch of the Celtic League.



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