BBC Alba: Major Series ?Celtic Radicals?

Communiqué de presse publié le 17/02/16 16:10 dans Europe par pour Celtic League


Major BBC Alba TV Six Part Series on – An Aghaidh an t-Srutha/Celtic Radicals

The successive episodes will cover the history of Celtic radicalism from a Scottish perspective and from the episode guide below seems pretty wide ranging in content.

It starts on BBC ALBA on Tues 23 Feb at 11pm

Episode titles:

The struggle for civil/social rights of Gaelic communities.

Land struggles in Scotland and Ireland, and the Easter Rising.

Land stuggles and Highland history after the Battle of Culloden.

The Celtic influence on the birth of the Labour Party.

The Celts influence on the Spanish Civil War and the introduction of the NHS.

The effects of war and poverty on the lives of the Gaels.

Definitely not to be missed by anyone interested in Celtic history.

These links will be active once the series is underway:

(voir le site)

(voir le site)

Illustration: Margaret Skinnider Scottish Celtic Radical who was active in Cumann na mBan during the Easter Rising in Dublin in 1916 as a sniper for the republican forces (link):

(voir le site)


Issued by: The Celtic News



The Celtic League established in 1961 has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It promotes cooperation between the countries and campaigns on a range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, military activity and socio-economic issues

(voir le site)

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