Bell And Moulton ?In The Front Room?

Communiqué de presse publié le 10/02/16 12:10 dans Europe par pour Celtic League


I thought watching the latest ?Bell & Moulton in the front room? chats it would be much more homely if they were either side of a log fire (must suggest that to Paul).

Anyway in a topic range that spanned from the Budget to the EU the ?dear leader? was in good form and also took the opportunity to advise those of us ?cowering? at home expecting the worse that without him things might get really bad.

First of all there was the warning from the Chief Minister (CM) – there always is ? we are still ?facing challenges? and will be ?for many years to come they are not going to vanish overnight?. This is the pain agenda and of course you know who is going to feel the pain and it will not be Allan the Tynwald muppets or the business community.

We have a ?

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