?The Morning Bell ? Is It A turn Off for You ?

Communiqué de presse publié le 20/01/16 20:10 dans Europe par pour Celtic League


The morning bell opens the New York Stock Exchange everyday but in the Isle of Man the term has a different connotation. It seems that virtually every day we get the ?morning Bell? on Manx Radio in the shape (and tones) of our ?dear leader? the Chief Minister, Allan Bell MHK.

Now one contributor to CL (Mannin) Facebook has had enough he says:

?Got up this morning for work kettle on, radio, bell again! drone, waffle, same old s?. had enough, been listening to manx radio since 1964, now tuned to radio 2 for breakfast.?

It seems the station has lost a long time listener because of course it first started broadcasting in 1964 ? so that?s a lifetimes loyalty squandered so that Allan can give us our daily dose of ?doom and gloom? and dire predictions – interspersed with the little bit of optimism if we?ll just let him get on and give our

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