Two Resolutions for AGM Against British-Irish Military Pact

Communiqué de presse publié le 5/03/15 11:10 dans Europe par pour Celtic League

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE The strength of hostility to the British-Irish military agreement signed in January of this year will be evident at the Annual General Meeting of the Celtic League due to be held in Dublin in April. When the agreement was signed the Celtic League was vociferous in its opposition and the CL director of Information drafted a strong critique contrasting the high reputation of the Irish Army in peacekeeping with that of the British Army and its brutal behaviour in both colonial oppression and aggressive actions such as the Iraq war. The critique drew on respected academic research into the issue. Link here: (voir le site) The AGM in April will be the first occasion on which delegates will be able to conduct a round table discussion on the issue and the level of interest is already high with two draft resolutions submitted ahead of the meeting on the issue. It is expected that from the two resolutions a common policy position can be adopted so that the League can progress an ongoing campaign of opposition. Related links here: (voir le site) (voir le site) J B Moffatt (Mr) Director of Information Celtic League 04/03/15 (Please note that replies to correspondence received by the League and posted on CL News are usually scanned hard copies. Obviously every effort is made to ensure the scanning process is accurate but sometimes errors do occur) ISSUED BY THE CELTIC LEAGUE INFORMATION SERVICE The Celtic League has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It works to promote cooperation between these countries and campaigns on a broad range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, monitors all military activity and focuses on socio-economic issues Internet site at: (voir le site) (voir le site)

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