Cymru: Call for Participation in Language usage Survey

Communiqué de presse publié le 5/02/15 23:10 dans Europe par pour Celtic League

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE The Celtic League in Cymru is calling for people to participate in surveys into how people use the Welsh language. An interim report into how people are using the Welsh language can be found on the web pages of the Welsh Language Commissioner (see link below). Commenting for the Welsh Branch, Joint Secretary, Brian Young MA said: ?Os gwelwch yn dda pawb un, it is important that as many Cymraeg fluent individuals get involved in this survey as possible to make a complete record for the commission. Read this over and be a part of 'Bwrw Mlaen' for accuracy. I cannot encourage this enough! According to the last survey in 2011, the numbers were low (22.7% of the nation claims to be fluent in some way or another in the language), but not dramatically so, and for better data, this newer, fresh data is required to show that Cymru's Cymraeg fluent population has reached higher levels than the last. This survey covers how Cymraeg is used in the workplace, home or in general. Pass this word on and get prepared. This is one of many to come throughout the year, and to ready First Minister Carwyn Jones and Welsh Language Commissioner Meri Huws' comprehensive report by the year's end. Get informed, get counted and get Welsh speaking Wales recognized! Diolch yn fawr fy nGyfeillion! Brian Young MA Joint Welsh Secretary Yr Undeb Celtaidd - Cangen Cymru? Link at Comisiynydd y Gymraeg (Welsh Lanuage Commissioner) web pages here: (voir le site) J B Moffatt (Mr) Director of Information 05/02/15 (Please note that replies to correspondence received by the League and posted on CL News are usually scanned hard copies. Obviously every effort is made to ensure the scanning process is accurate but sometimes errors do occur). ISSUED BY THE CELTIC LEAGUE INFORMATION SERVICE. The Celtic League has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It works to promote cooperation between these countries and campaigns on a broad range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, monitors all military activity and focuses on socio-economic issues Internet site at: (voir le site) (voir le site)

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