Adrian John Pilgrim Obituary

Communiqué de presse publié le 5/04/13 19:10 dans Europe par pour Celtic League


It is with great regret the Celtic League Mannin Branch records the death ofAdrian Pilgrim on 21st March, in hospital.

Adrian came to live in the Island from Leicestershire in the early 1970s, drawn by his fascination with Manx Gaelic. A polymath by nature, he was acquainted with many languages. He had a deep knowledge of several, which included Manx. Because of his special interest in Manx he began a correspondence with Dougie Fargher and determined that the best way to properly study it was to live in the Island. For a time, Adrian lodged with Dougie and his wife Joyce, whilst Dougie was compiling his Manx - English Dictionary, and was able to act as an assistant. Dougie's thanks are recorded in his preface to his great work thus, To that erudite Manx scholar, Adrian John Pilgrim, B.A.

Adrian served for many years on the committees of, Yn Cheshaght Ghailckagh (Manx Language Society) and Coonceil ny Gaelgey (Manx Gaelic Advisory Council). He was a good friend of Dr. Robert L Thomson, who translated books into Manx and revised Goodwin's, First Lessons in Manx. Amongst Adrian's many interests, one which stood out most significantly perhaps, is music. It played an important part in his social life in a practical way. He played many instruments as a very proficient amateur, including harp, recorders, early keyboard, percussion and various wind instruments. His keen musical ear allowed him to add suitable decoration ad.lib. He enjoyed playing early music with friends, although his musical taste was very wide.

Another of his attributes was his great skill as a calligrapher. All of his pastimes seemed to require much dedication to skill and devotion to detail and accuracy which sums up the true picture of the man.

He contributed much to the cultural life of the Isle of Man and we are the poorer without him.

Anyone wishing to be informed of funeral arrangements should respond to this message.


For comment or clarification on this news item in the first instance contact:

General Secretary, Celtic League:


The General Secretary will determine the appropriate branch or General Council Officer to respond to your query.


25th March 2013

The Celtic League has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It works to promote cooperation between these countries and campaigns on a broad range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, monitors all military activity and focuses on socio-economic issues

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