Gouel Breizh, Gouel Erwan 2012 in Vietnam with Gilles Servat

Agenda publié le 12/04/12 9:47 dans La diaspora par Le Fol Jacques pour Le Fol Jacques
St Yves 2012 Saigon Program

Next month on the 17th, 19th and 20th of May, KBBV, the Breton society in Vietnam will organize in Ho Chi Minh city and Hanoi and this for the tenth time the celebrations of Brittany's national day.

The guest of honour of this tenth edition of “Gouel Breizh” is the famous popular Breton singer Gilles Servat who will be accompanied by local talented musicians.

Gilles Servat has been singing for more than 40 years and often with the chorus and heart of audiences whether being 80 in Cabarets, passionate 60 000 in the Stade de France or 18 000 at Bercy Hall.

Gilles Servat has recorded 24 LP's and CDs out of which 6 became golden LP's and has received the award of the Charles Cros Academy.

Composer of popular songs of which many are nowadays considered traditional folk songs such as “La Blanche Hermine”, “Eleanor”, “Erika”, “Kalondour”, Breton in his soul, generous in the defence of noble human causes Gilles Servat is a figure head of the Breton culture, a figure head of a Brittany opened to the world.

Gilles Servat will perform in concert at the Idecaf Hall (31 Thai Van Lung street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam) on Thursday May 17th from 6 30 pm and during the Gouel Breizh kermesse which will take place at Binh Quoi II park on Saturday May 19th.

The participation – donation from adults is set up at 200.000 VND to be donated on site while access for students and children is free. Access to the kermesse on May 19th at Binh Quoi II park is free for all. The official program of the festivities can be viewed on KBBV website: www.kbbv-bretoninvietnam.com.

These festivities will start on Saturday May 19th by the consecration at 9h30 at Saigon Cathedral of the Lady Saint Anna stain window renovated with the sponsorship of KBBV, followed by the execution of the traditional canticle to St Yves and of the Breton national anthem Bro Gozh va Zadoù.

Vos commentaires :
Thierry J
Dimanche 15 septembre 2024
A noter que du 6 au 15 avril, des artistes bretons (dont le duo Hamon-Martin ) sont présents au Festival de Hué, dans le cadre d'une coopération avec le festival des Tombées de la Nuit de Rennes...la Bretagne à l'honneur !
Voir le site
Voir le site

Dimanche 15 septembre 2024
Cette fois son compère Melenchon ne sera pas là comme à la fête de l'huma !!

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