Manx Nationalists Welcome Jamaica Moves

Communiqué de presse publié le 16/01/12 12:10 dans Europe par pour Celtic League

Manx nationalists have welcomed the moves by Jamaica to ditch the Queen as Head of State and move towards a Republican style of government. They have also commented on the forthcoming referendum on independence for Scotland.

Speaking to Manx Radio Mec Vannin Chairman of Mec Vannin, Mark Kermode, (also Secretary of the Manx branch of the Celtic League) said unfortunately at the present time there is little appetite within the Manx political establishment to seek full independence for the Isle of Man.

Mr Kermode described the Manx administration as acting as if it was `a county council of the UK' and he was also scathing of the new Manx Chief Minister, Allan Bell, MHK (Bell is a former member of Mec Vannin).

News item and audio clip here:

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