Vote to keep Breton names in Brest

Appel publié le 31/05/11 14:02 dans Langues de Bretagne par Philippe Argouarch pour ABP
July 2010 in Brest. Building the tramway line. Recouvrance bridge and Tour Tanguy.
July 2010 in Brest. Building the tramway line. Siam street and Town Hall in the background.

A new tramway is being built in Brest (Finistère). A dedicated website asks to vote and name the new stations. Until June 5th midnight (GMT + 2).

Names like Pontanezen (Pont Ezen), Menez Paol, or Penfeld are likely to disappear from the Brest Breton toponymy...

If you dont't want to see them changed into names like Cézanne, Human rights or Barbara, vote and tell to vote as soon as possible.

(voir le site) to vote : « Donnons un nom à nos stations » and (voir le site) for the proposed names.

Translation Maryvonne Cadiou from (voir notre article)

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