Call For Seanad To Be Abolished

Rapport publié le 8/01/11 8:34 dans Politique par Cathal Ó Luain pour Celtic League
The Seanad (above)

`democracy..gerrymandered via unelected unelected upper chambers..stuffed with toadies..or apparatchiks of the established parties.'

The Irish Labour Party has called for the Seanad (the unelected `upper house' of the Irish parliament) to be abolished.

The Irish government recently confirmed that it is considering holding a referendum on the abolition of the Seanad on the day of the next general election.

Speaking on RTÉ's Morning Ireland, Brendan Howlin, Labour's spokesman on constitutional affairs, said people had lost confidence in the oversight of public business. He said the Party's policy document on political reform recommends one overall chamber of parliament.

The Irish move is indicative of a growing disenchantment with a system of government in various countries which in some instances ensures that democracy is gerrymandered via unelected upper chambers of parliaments which invariably are stuffed with toadies of the establishment or apparatchiks of the established parties.

There have periodically been calls for both the House of Lords in the United Kingdom and the tiny Manx equivalent (the Legislative Council) to be reformed or abolished but both have so far rebuffed attempts to achieve truly democratic government.


(voir le site)

J B Moffatt (Mr)

Director of Information

Celtic League


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