Bloody Sunday: callous and brutal murder by the British Army

Rapport publié le 25/06/10 7:33 dans Justice et injustices par Cathal Ó Luain pour Celtic League
Bloody Sunday (above) Source: Wikipedia.

In the Autumn 1974 issue of Carn (vol 1, n 3) the Celtic League recorded as follows:

"The Human Cost

The Killing of 13 citizens of Derry by soldiers of the Paratroop Regiment on Bloody Sunday was described by the Derry Coroner (who had seen service in the forces of the Crown in World War II) as an act of callous and brutal murder."

Almost forty years after the events of Bloody Sunday, the simple straightforward assessment of the Coroner all these years ago has been confirmed.

There will be innumerable reports, assessments and comments. However the Celtic League believe the best point of reference is the report itself which can be found here:

(voir le site)

J B Moffatt (Mr)

Director of Information

Celtic League


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