BBC interview on Cornish language preschool initiative

Rapport publié le 3/03/10 2:08 dans Cultures par Cathal Ó Luain pour Celtic League

The Celtic League General Secretary (GS), Rhisiart Tal-e-bot, has been interviewed in detail about the initiative that he and other parents have taken to establish a Cornish language preschool crèche.

The (video) interview can be accessed here:

(voir le site)

It is hoped that as part of the development of the Cornish language preschool movement lessons can be learned from the experiences in other Celtic countries.

Rhisiart, originally from Wales, has strong links to those in the language movement there. In addition he hopes to visit Mannin in the near future where there have been tremendous strides in establishing nursery education through the Manx language over the past fifteen years.

Related article on Celtic News here:

(voir le site) (voir le site)

J B Moffatt (Mr) Director of Information Celtic League


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