A Human Banner (fresque humaine) in Nantes for the Reunification of Brittany

Communiqué de presse publié le 5/02/10 9:06 dans La réunification par Paul Loret pour Bretagne Réunie


  • While the members of Parliament discuss in 2010 the project of territorial reform which is a historic opportunity for the reunification of Brittany;

  • While the campaign of the regional elections is opened and while the candidates will have to position clearly for or against the reunification of Brittany;

    Reunited Brittany and 44=BREIZH make an appointment with all Breton and all friends of Brittany, on Saturday, February 27th from 2 pm in Nantes, at the Machines of the Island spot, (boulevard Léon Bureau) to write in human letters a decisive page of the reunification of Brittany.

    Together we shall write 44 = Bretagne on the ground ! Come and join us !

    In music, with brass band and free concert, it is each of us who will count to write a new future for Brittany.

    Associations will be welcome and will find on the spot, tables, chairs and electric current.

    To know more about it: (voir le site) , the blog of the Human Fresco. This blog will be regularly updated to inform you.

    (voir le site) of Reunited Brittany
    contact at bretagne-reunie.org
    06 82 67 19 46

    Translation Maryvonne Cadiou


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