Mannin/Isle of Man: Words and Music as Cooish Concludes

Rapport publié le 19/11/09 10:23 dans Cultures par Cathal Ó Luain pour Celtic League
Jenefer Lowe (above) of the Cornish Language Partnership was guest speaker at the Cooish event

Cooish week concludes today in Mannin with the annual Ned Maddrell memorial lecture. This year's speaker is Jenefer Lowe of the Cornish Language Partnership and a news report and clip can be found on Manx Radio at:

(voir le site)

The Manx language week has been a great success with a seven day continuous and wide ranging programme of events for both Manx speakers and those learning the language.

In addition to today's guest speaker the week has included performances by visiting musicians from Scotland and Ireland and these visitors together with local musicians will bring proceedings to a close at a music session this evening.

J B Moffatt Director of Information Celtic League


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