Eire/Ireland: Limerick Jail Woman's Section Overcrowded Dept. Admit

Rapport publié le 21/07/09 11:29 dans Justice et injustices par Cathal Ó Luain pour Celtic League

In a remarkably candid response the Department of Justice Equality and Law Reform has admitted that there is overcrowding in the women's section Limerick Jail.

The Celtic League had written to the Justice Minister Dermot Ahern in May mexpressing concern about overcrowding. We also wrote to the Council of Europe prisons `watchdog' the CPT.

In a response from Mr Ahern's Private Secretary the Ministers acknowledges overcrowding but disputes media assertions that the 20 female places at the jail mheld up to 30 inmates.

The Department has not responded to our specific concern about the detention of two pregnant inmates in the overcrowded facility.

The Department of Justice response is set out below:

"Dear Mr Moffatt

I am directed by the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Mr Dermot Ahern, T.D. to refer to your recent correspondence concerning overcrowding in the female wing of Limerick Prison. The current position is that there are ten double cells in this area of the prison allowing for a bed capacity of 20 inmates. The numbers in custody has exceeded this in recent times but never to the level of 30 as claimed in some media reports.

It has to be acknowledged that the Irish Prison Service must accept all prisoners committed by the Courts and we do not have the option of refusing committals. Furthermore, it has consistently been acknowledged that there has been a serious overcrowding problem among the female prisoner population in recent times. Social and demographic trends indicate that we will inevitably continue to experience an increasing level of women prisoners in our prison system in the future. It is the Government's intention, therefore, to provide for increased capacity in the prison complexes planned for Thornton Hall in mNorth County Dublin and Kilworth in Co. Cork. Both of these facilities will be regime oriented with wide range of rehabilitation programmes, e.g., mwork/training, education, in-reach services, medical facilities.

Yours sincerely"

Related article on Celtic News at:

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J B Moffatt Director of Information Celtic League


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