Rapport publié le 3/06/09 1:26 dans Politique par Cathal Ó Luain pour Celtic League
The League made an observation to the UN Committee on Economic Social and Cultural Rights in May.

Earlier this month the League contributed to the 42nd session of the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, by submitting an observation, held between 4 - 22 May in Geneva, Switzerland.

The `observation' from the League concerned the implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Right (ICESCR) at the domestic level, regarding the 'United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Crown Dependencies' report. In the observation the League made a series of points about how the Covenant had been implemented, by questioning certain aspects of the report, with particular reference to the Isle of Man.

In the report, under point 605. it was stated that, "There have been no significant changes since the Fourth Periodic Report." However, the League pointed out that

"While we believe that this may be fair enough to report by the State Parties, we do not believe that this provides an adequate answer. The ICESCR is worded in a way that implies that State Parties should actively promote "the realization of the right of self-determination."

In relation to the UN's `Revised General Guidelines' on submitting a report by state parties, the League questioned what had been done to "promote the realization of the right of self-determination" in the Isle of Man by the State Parties and the manner in which the right to self-determination had been implemented in the Isle of Man by the State Parties. In addition, the League also expressed its disappointment that none of the State Parties involved in the compilation of the report publicised the fact that they are making submissions as part of a reporting process to United Nations committees, such as ECOSOC. The League argued that the above mentioned State Parties don't actively seek input or consult with NGOs or interest groups generally in civil society when framing submissions.

The conclusions of the Committee have now been published and can be found at the link below:

(voir le site)

In the Committee conclusions it was stated that it would like to encourage:

"State party to establish an institutional framework for future cooperation with national human rights institutions and civil society in the preparation of its reports to the Committee and the follow-up". (A.3.)

In addition and more importantly, the Committee also stated under the title `Principal subjects of concern and recommendations' that:

1. "The Committee is concerned, even though it takes note of the State party's structure of government, with devolved administrations in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, and separate government structures in the Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies, about the lack of a national strategy to implement the Covenant. It is also concerned about the limited availability of information regarding the implementation of the Covenant in the Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies.

Bearing in mind that it is that State party which is responsible for the implementation of the Covenant in all its territories, the Committee urges the State party to ensure the equal enjoyment of the economic, social and cultural rights by all individuals and groups of individuals under its jurisdiction, and recommends that the State party adopt a national strategy for the implementation of the Covenant throughout the State party's territories." D.12

The Celtic League welcomes these recommendations by the Committee and looks forward to being consulted in the future, when the next report is submitted by the UK Government.

The full text of the observation made to the Committee by the Celtic League can be found here:

(voir le site)


Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights:

(voir le site)

J B Moffatt Director of Information Celtic League


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