Rapport publié le 25/05/09 23:29 dans Justice et injustices par Cathal Ó Luain pour Celtic League
An anonymised Gulfstream C20E passed through Prestwick (above)on Tuesday (19/05/09)(photo: wikipedia)

The new US President may have ended the more nefarious practices carried out by the CIA and US Military but mysterious `shuttle flights' still take place via airports in the Celtic countries.

An anonymised Gulfstream C20E passed through Prestwick on Tuesday (19/05/09). The aircraft which has the serial number 70140 and no other identification letters is based at Ramstein air force base in Germany and is used by the US military.

The Gulfstream is described as operated by the `US Army Priority Air Transport Fleet, (USAPAT)' and used to transport US senior military commanders, or for `other special tasks'.

No clue as to why it transited Prestwick, although it was a regular suspect on the Rendition runs under the Bush regime. It was photographed at Shannon in November 2007 (see Indymedia Ireland link below).

Needless to say it is unlikely that Scottish police bothered to check on its cargo or passengers the `plod' were as infamous as the CIA during the rendition years for turning a blind eye.

(voir le site)

J B Moffatt Director of Information Celtic League


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