Rapport publié le 15/05/09 1:32 dans Environnement par Cathal Ó Luain pour Celtic League
In May 2008 Scottish National Heritage (SNH) revealed that almost 350 acres of land at Cape Wrath had been damaged by heath fires caused by military munitions. (Image: Scottish National Heritage)

A year after the Ministry of Defence (MOD) seriously damaged a broad swathe of land in Northern Scotland a further series of exercises is set to get underway in the area.

In May 2008 Scottish National Heritage (SNH) revealed that almost 350 acres of land at Cape Wrath had been damaged by heath fires caused by military munitions.

SNH estimated at the time that the area, important for flora, fauna and for breeding birds, would take up to ten years to recover from the damage the military had caused.

SNH have also urged the MOD not to carry out exercises in the area during the bird breeding season between late April and early July.

However, the MOD have announced that Joint Warrior (JW091) - a NATO exercise held twice a year and regarded as the largest in Europe will start on Monday and involves training in the Cape Wrath area.

In a statement released ahead of JW091, the MOD have admitted that some of the exercise areas would overlap environmentally sensitive conservation zones containing marine habitats, seabird breeding grounds and protected fauna and flora.

Without a hint of irony the MOD go on to say that the armed forces involved in the massive exercise will make `safeguarding the environment a priority`.

The Celtic League have repeatedly pressed the MOD over its stewardship of the Cape Wrath range and the environmental vandalism caused. We will continue to register our concerns.

Paradoxically many of the NATO countries participating in these exercises in Scotland would not be allowed to undertake similar exercises in their home countries because of environmental concerns.

J B Moffatt Director of Information Celtic League


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