il ya eu une erreur, désolé, travaux en cours /1307.

publié le 1/01/70 1:00 dans par pour

The first Basque television station broadcast on the internet,, has been set up by the company Grupo Proyeccíon based in Bilbao. The station broadcasts all programmes in Basque, with the aim of promoting the language over the world wide web.

It offers five free channels available to anyone with an internet connection via a modem. The channels each cover a different thematic area, including one that covers news concerning Euskadi, another offers documentary films and background information about Bilbao and Euskadi.

The idea of creating stems from the director of Proyeccion himself, Mr. Gerardo Fernández Llana, who saw the need for a television station of this kind in the Basque language. According to a spokesperson of, the response to the Basque online station has been “very welcome and overwhelmingly positive.” (Eurolang)

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