Rapport publié le 16/11/08 2:51 dans Justice et injustices par Cathal Ó Luain pour Celtic League
Map showing location of Lithuania

A Lithuanian court last week refused to release an Irishman who was detained in an entrapment operation mounted by Lithuanian Police and British Intelligence.

Under legal confidentiality rules, Lithuanian officials have refused to confirm reports that the man is Michael Campbell whose circumstances we reported on some weeks ago in Celtic News - see:

(voir le site)

Lawyers acting for the man had complained about shortcomings in the judicial process but these were brushed aside by the Court. The case is fairly high profile and it is clear that political considerations both domestically and internationally may be affecting the judicial process.

The criminal justice system in Lithuania was the subject of concerns expressed in a recent report by the Council of Europe - Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) - see:

(voir le site)

The Celtic League have previously drawn the attention of the Irish government to the deficiencies in the Lithuanian judicial system.

J B Moffatt Director of Information Celtic League 12/11/08

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