Cornwall - 'Resist and survive' book launch

Rapport publié le 21/05/08 17:05 dans Cultures par Cathal Ó Luain pour Cathal Ó Luain
Book front cover.

One of Cornwall's most controversial authors will launch his latest book this evening as a follow up to his previous two hard hitting volumes, 'Breaking the Chains' and 'Our Future is History'.

The previous two books by Cornish rights campaigner and historian, John Angarrack, have both had a huge influence on the political outlook and attitude of many ordinary Cornish people, with some stating that it was not until they had read the arguments presented by Angarrack in his books that they 'woke up' to their Cornish identity and the suppression of their rights as a people. 'Breaking the Chains' and 'Our Future is History' both concern themselves with the on going issues of constitutional deception, cultural assimilation and the neo-colonialism of the English system.

Copies of Angarrack's books have been confiscated by the Devon and Cornwall police under different circumstances, including all the copies owned by Cornish campaigners who were arrested in police raids last year. His latest book, 'Scat t'Larrups ? : Resist and Survive', looks at what happened during the period of the arrests and attempts to set events in their proper context.

Angarrack told the Celtic League :

«[The book] might also provoke another round of police raids.»

The launch will take place at Chacewater Village Hall on Tuesday 20th May 2008 7 pm. The evening will be opened by Dr Higel Hicks, Cornish Stannary Parliament member and former Vice President of the Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN).

J B Moffatt Director of Information Celtic League


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