Rapport publié le 18/03/08 7:02 dans Politique par Cathal Ó Luain pour Celtic League

Despite plaudits heaped on retiring Northern Ireland First Minister Ian Paisley from all quarters in Ireland one senior republican with a pedigree and principles in Irish politics which outstrips 'the Big Man' has been unremitting in his criticism.

Republican Sinn Féin President, Ruairí Ó Brádaigh, speaking after Paisley's announcement said he agreed with the author of a new book on Paisley that;

"it was he who lit the fuse which caused the great conflagration over decades in the Six Counties”.

Ó Brádaigh also said that;

"The great unanswered question before history is why did not Paisley on the one hand and the present Provo leadership on the other, accept and work the Sunningdale Agreement of 1973 which offered more and for which less was to be paid than the 1998 Belfast Agreement?"

He added;

"Did we, as a people, have to endure 25 years more of sacrifice and suffering until both elements were poised to divide the major share of the spoils of office between them?"

J B Moffatt Director of Information Celtic League


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